Sunday, November 27, 2016

Operating Mode Class A-B-C-D powe amplifier system panel

Class A Operating Mode

One device conducts for the whole of the
 a.c. cycle.
Conduction angle = 360 °.
The Class A stage must be biased at a
current greater than the amplitude of the

signal current.

Class B Operating Mode

Two devices, each conducting for half
 of the a.c. cycle.
Conduction angle = 180 °. 

Class AB Operating Mode

Two devices, each conducting for just over
 half of the a.c. cycle.
Conduction angle > 180 ° but << 360 ° .

Class C Operating Mode

One device conducts a small portion of 
the a.c. cycle.
Conduction angle << 180 °. 

Class D Operating Mode

Each output device always either fully on or off – theoretically zero power dissipation. 
Example: The built-in speaker in a PC is driven by a Class D type “on/off’ circuit.

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